
Our church depends financially on voluntary gifts from members and friends of the congregation. We believe God primarily uses this way to bless us through the fellowship of his believing people. The Bible describes giving as an act of worship, and that is the best way to look at it. Here are some ways you can give to the church. 

giving online

To make a quick donation online, you can use this link to our donations web page: 

Link for single donations. 

Note that a small fee of 2% of your gift will be deducted for a card based transaction like this. (This is more than the 1.69% by using the contactless ‘Digital Collection Plate’ in the church).

For a more direct giving (without a fee) see below, and use the bank details in the pdf .

Giving through your bank or building society

To give on a more regular basis you can give  directly to our bank account  by standing order through your bank account. The bank details you may need are here (select this link for a PDF with details). (You can use the information contained on this form for online banking gifts as well). Please drop the Treasurer an email if you choose to do this so that he can recognise your regular donations.

Gift Aid Scheme

You may also wish to give using the tax efficient ‘Gift Aid’ scheme. If you are already a UK tax-payer then this will cost you nothing – all you have to do is download and complete a “Gift Aid Declaration” form and return it to the Treasurer. Click here to download a Gift Aid form (PDF).


The ‘Stewardship’ organisation (formerly known as ‘’) enables easy giving to charities and churches and helps individuals manage their charitable giving in an organised way (including Gift Aid as appropriate). The specific page for our church can be found here.

What does it mean to give to the church?

If you are new to the Christian life and are unsure what the Bible says about money, you may wish to explore some of the issues using a Bible Study guide we have used for new members in our own congregation. It can be found here (PDF).