Mission & Outreach
"Lord, let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of thy word and the praising of thy name."
Glasgow motto 1687
“He sent them out to preach the kingdom.”
Luke 9:2
Christ’s commission to his disciples was to “go and make disciples of all nations … baptising … teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Our aim is to share the good news of Jesus by all means to win some for the kingdom…
Local Mission
“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city … pray to the LORD for it…” (Jeremiah 29:7)
- Weekly Wednesday evening prayer meeting
- Prayer walks round the parish
- Days of prayer
- Opportunity to join in prayer with others before each service - 1030am and 6.15pm in the Vestry
- Opportunity for prayer after the morning service. This takes place in the corner near the Old Pulpit where you will meet with those who will pray with you and/or for you
Parish & Street
“Show them the way they are to live …” (Exodus 18:20)
- Summer café in the garden
- September - Student Welcome - Burgers and Coffee - Street Stall
- Christmas Street Stall - mince pies & mulled juice
- Shrove Tuesday Stall - pancakes & tea/coffee
- Easter Street Stall - hot cross buns & tea/coffee
Student Outreach
“Remember your Creator in the days of your youth …” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
- Monday evening discipleship classes
- Tuesday evening enquirers classes
- Thursday evening - interactive Bible Studies open to all
- Friday evening - Student Cafe - variety of activities
Drop In Café
- Usually Wednesday mornings 10.30am - 12 noon - open every second week
Outreach Courses & Bible Study
“Do your best to present yourself as one approved …”
- Weekly Wednesday prayer meeting and Bible study
- Christianity Explored & Alpha Courses
UK Mission
“Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you …” (Mark 5:19)
- Wednesday evening prayer meeting
- Prayer days
Church of Scotland
Other Partner Churches
Supporting COSEN and CFS
- Church of Scotland Evangelical Network
- Covenant Fellowship Scotland
UK Mission Organisations
- Scripture Union
- Scottish Bible Society
- Friends International
- Street Pastors
- Glasgow Street Pastors – West End
- Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship
World Mission
“… go and make disciples of every nation …” (Matthew 28:19)
- Wednesday evening prayer meeting
- Prayer days
Missionary Members
Sarah Melbourne - working with the Chinese Church in Nottingham
Yao (Abel) Wang - working with St Andrews Church in London and attending Cornhill
Missionary Partners
- Womens Christian Hospital Multan, Pakistan
- Tank Christian Hospital, Pakistan
- Middle East
- Uganda
- South Africa
- Papua New Guinea
Overseas Mission Organisations
- OMF International (UK)
- Monthly prayer meeting (Glasgow Jordanhill Group, 2nd Tuesday, 7.45pm, Patrick Smith (patrick.smith@talktalk.net)
- UFM Worldwide
- Monthly prayer meeting (Glasgow, 3rd Friday, 8pm, Christine Crow (crowfam48@gmail.com)
- Interserve
- Tear Fund
- Barnabus Fund
- Missionary Aviation Fellowship
- SIM International